SMARTER goal setting

Setting SMARTER goals 

We all know that setting goals helps us on our way to success. It helps us to focus on the essentials and get things done!

But they also need to be of the right quality, providing enough details on what needs to be accomplished and when. To set high quality goals you can use the SMARTER method.

SPECIFIC - What actually needs to be accomplished?

MEASURABLE - How will we measure progress?

ATTAINABLE/ACHIEVABLE - How can goals be accomplished?

RELEVANT/RELATABLE - Does the goal make sense?

TIME-BOUND/TIMELY - Is there a realistic timing?

EVALUATE - How are we progressing?

REWARD/RE-ADJUST - How do we track goals and recognise good performance? 

Don't be afraid to be very detailed, this will only support you.

High quality goals:

Please find two examples below on a bad goal and a good goal

Bad goal: Increase website traffic

Good goal: Increase website traffic by 25% by creating 5 extra blog posts per month about venues and activities within the next three months

Bad goal: Follow a training on project management

Good goal: Follow a training on project management, share your learnings with your team and actively apply your learnings in your project about topic X.

Examples of Value goals

Setting goals on the category ' Values - behaviour' can be challenging. This category is all about the HOW, to help increase general positive behaviour, decrease challenging behaviour or use of a replacement behaviour. 

It focusses on: 

Here are some examples of goals on 'Value - Behaviour' that might help you in setting yours: