Health & Safety
The health of the employees is the most important thing for Tiqets. As an employer, Tiqets wants to pursue a good policy in the field of sustainable employability and working conditions, with the aim of increasing the employability of employees in the short and long term.
By facilitating various solutions, Tiqets wants to contribute to reducing health risks, especially in the long term. Of course, Tiqets also believes that employees themselves are jointly responsible for their own well-being and should maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your health is influenced by several factors. Your lifestyle has an influence, for example, but the physical and social (work) environment also play an important role. Healthy and permanently deployable employees are more productive and flexible, can cope better with work pressure, experience more satisfaction from their work, are more motivated, and can work longer.
Being and staying healthy is not self-evident and therefore requires constant attention and action. This policy offers measures, instruments, handles and rules for this, including the Working Conditions Act which the government has established target regulations aimed at promoting the safety, health and well-being of employees.
Responsibilities Employer & Employee
We pay the necessary attention to the safety, health and well-being of employees. We bear the following legal responsibility for this by conducting Risk Inventory and Evaluations, offer first aid support and focus on absenteeism.
Working conditions are a shared responsibility. That’s why we expect our employees to use the offered materials in the prescribed manner, report dangerous situations and to take good care of yourself and your health. Employees also need to take their responsibilities with absenteeism and long-term sickness.
Confidential advisor
Sometimes you run into something at work or privately. That may be something you cannot or do not want to discuss with your manager. In that case you can contact the confidential advisor of Tiqets. The advisor can listen, offer help and look for a possible solution together with you. The confidential advisor at Tiqets is Ana Bernadino. Your HR Business Partner is the go-to person for long-term issues.
It can also happen that you experience unwanted behaviour, such as bullying, intimidation, discrimination or aggression. We find it important that employees treat each other with respect and professionalism, so this behaviour at work will not be tolerated. Within our organisation we do not talk about each other, but with each other. Are you experiencing unwanted behaviour? Please report this to the core team of the speak-up policy which can be found in the Tiqeteer handbook.
Fluctuating work pressure is an essential characteristic of our organisation and applies to almost all functions within the company. We see this as part of our work, but we try to avoid too much work pressure as much as possible. Identifying indications of excessive work pressure is a responsibility that we bear together. We act preventively with the aim of making sure (long-term) absenteeism doesn’t occur.
Work and leisure
Within our organisation we follow the local legislation on maximum number of working hours per day, per week and per month. We give you the space to fill your working day flexibly. Where reasonably possible, we would like to take your personal circumstances into account.
Physical load at work (office)
We do a lot of our office work sitting behind a desk. It is therefore important that this place is as comfortable and user friendly as possible. By designing your workplace correctly, many neck, back and shoulder complaints can be prevented.
The calibrated working times and places are no longer self-evident. So you may work from home more often. That’s why we think it is important that your home workplace can meet the ergonomic requirements, because a workplace at home should be just as pleasant as at the office. For this reason, Tiqets has created a contribution to put together a home workplace. In addition, every employee receives a monthly compensation for working from home to cover the costs of, among other things, the internet.
You’re sick. Now what?
You may not be able to work due to illness. In this case, you must report sickness to your manager by telephone (not by email or WhatsApp) before 09:30 in the morning. Please also send an email to, adding your manager in the cc. After that you can register your sick leave in HiBob. If it happens that you become ill during the day please follow the same steps. Make sure that your colleagues are also informed and that any tasks are handed over. For more information about how to register your sick leave, check the Employee Handbook in HiBob.
Sick longer than 7 days? You are responsible to send a sick note to after 7 days (including non-working days) of your illness. You can get this from you GP.
No longer sick?
Great! Report this to your manager and the People & Culture team by email. You can then administer your last sick leave day in Hibob.